About Us
DFP Green
+91 7506069921
High Performance Coil Grout
DFP has supplied coil grout for Induction furnaces from 50 kgs to 80 Ton
DFP's Coil grout "Doricast RC 1750 and Doriflow MC 1750" has been approved by all major furnace manufacturers
DFP's Coil grout reduces downtime of furnace and increases safety
DFP grout has higher amount of Alumina-95%, lowest Fe2O3-0.4% and Cao-3.4% Grout is made from high purity corundum
DFP grout has service temperature of 1750deg cent and CCS 200 N/mm2 at 1750 deg cent
DFP grout has lower PLC (Permanent Linear Change) +0.4% at 1600 deg cent